Thursday, September 10, 2015

Just a little update

Assalamualaikum wbt

Rindunya dengan blog ni... tempat mencoret segala ups and downs throughout TTC journey. Walaupon tak menulis di sini tapi saya selalu blog walking ke blog TTCian yang lain...just to see the updates of kawan-kawan TTC. moga semua TTCian is happy no matter what the situation are. insyaAllah.

Alhamdulillah I will be entering final trimester in about two weeks. Our little cinonet is growing in the tummy and has been doing a lot of kicking lately..hehe

Alhamdulillah my 1st pregnancy journey was made easy by Allah's will. Tiada sebarang alahan, boleh buat kerja macam biasa. cuma kadang-kadang ada penat-penat sedikit di awal kehamilan kalau buat kerja non stop. Kesihatan pon boleh considered as OK la..Blood pressure so far alhamdulillah, gula pon ok alhamdulillah. the only thing yang sedikit merisaukan adalah Hb saya yang agak rendah. Since 1st check up di Klinik Kesihatan around week 11, Hb saya tak pernah mencapai tahap Hb normal. a few times drop sampai 7 tapi alhamdulillah sekarang dah naik 10 lbh walaupon still tak capai target yang sepatutnya. The reason why my Hb asyik rendah walaupon dah makan ubat iron and iberet tanpa miss..and makan segala macam sayur dan lauk pauk dengan banyaknya adalah kerana I am actually a Thalasemia carrier..huhuhu..Mr Husband just took blood test a few weeks ago to check whether he also has Thalasemia or not. Moga Allah jauhkan insyaAllah. Hopefully the fact that i've got Thalasemia will not affect the baby.insyaAllah. Stay strong baby...May Allah make everything ease for us..ameen

InsyaAllah saya dijangka bersalin dalam pertengahan bulan 12. Masa awal-awal prengnancy, Dr ada sebut that kalau in case baby masih belum keluar seminggu lepas due date mereka akan c-sec sebab baby ni considered as precious baby.. ye la, susah nak conceived kan.jadi mereka takut apa-apa jadi kepada baby. Just like other mothers if possible saya nak go for bersalin dengan cara as natural as possible. Baby keluar on time ye sayang, insyaAllah..hehe.

WhatSoEva~ Moga Allah mudahkan segalanya until the baby is safely delivered dengan sihat, insyaAllah. Please do pray for me. Memang dari awal kehamilan until now saya sentiasa risau..kalau boleh nak beli ultrasound machine letak dekat rumah so boleh tengok perkembangan baby hari-hari. hehe. Doakan kami dapat prepare diri sedikt sebanyak to face another challenge that is to raise this little cinonet to be a good Khalifah of Allah, insyaAllah.

To all TTCian out there... Stay strong Ladies.. Just remember that Allah sentiasa ada dengan kita. Keep fighting!! May Allah make everything ease for all you strong ladies, insyaAllah. My hope and doa will always be with you guys :)

Till then,

May Allah Bless~

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